5 Daily Habits to Reduce Lower Back Pain at Home

5 Daily Habits to Reduce Lower Back Pain at Home

According to a recent study, lower back pain affects over 540 million people year-round and is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Chances are you or someone you know have had lower back pain sometime in your life. In this article, we will give tips that you can implement into your life right away that may help your lower back pain and stiffness. Here are 5 healthy and effective habits that will help reduce pain and stiffness to the lower back at home.

Tip #1: Stretch it out

Stretching your lower back and muscles in your legs may be good to do at home especially in the early mornings when your lower back muscles may be stiff. Stretching stiff or tight muscles may also be helpful in the afternoon as well. A couple of good stretches for the lower back include lying on your back and bringing both knees into your chest or bring one knee into your chest at a time.

Tip #2: Use Moist heat

Taking a hot shower in the morning or evening is another home remedy you can do reduce muscles tightness, stiffness and pain to lower back. The moist heat from the water out of the shower is both soothing to the lower back muscles and will also promote increased circulation to the muscles. With increased circulation and blood flow to the muscles, you will also have added benefits such as increased flexibility.

Tip #3: Lift with your legs and not your back

We sometimes take for granted our back muscles and place unnecessary stress and pressure on them by lifting incorrectly. There is a right way and a wrong way to lift believe it or not. Before lifting any object; it would be beneficial to assess how heavy it maybe first. That way, you can ask for help if needed. If you think you are strong enough to lift an object lift by bending your knees and hips while trying to maintain a straight back.

Tip #4: Sleeping Position

Finding the right position in sleeping at home will help you have a better night sleep, as well as help, reduce stiffness and strain to the lower back muscles. It is recommended that you either sleep on your side or back and place a pillow in between your knees or under your knees to help maintain a neutral spine.

Tip #5: Take it slow

Moving with a bit more caution would feel very awkward and uncomfortable at first but in the long term, you would help reduce the risk of injury or re-injury to the lower back. Simple tasks such as going from sitting to standing or rolling to get out of bed would are more complex than we think and by slowing movement down you can prevent the impact on your spine and joints.

I hope that these tips were helpful and easy to implement in order to reduce lower back pain and stiffness daily. For more information or to speak to an expert please call or contact us!

Miquela Rolle PT DPT
Doctor of Physical Therapy & Facility owner


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